Project proposal v2

Opened: ponedeljek, 12 oktober 2020, 12:00
Due: ponedeljek, 28 februar 2022, 11:59

Please upload the final version of your project proposal here. Your proposal should be a 1-2 page document stating:

  • the problem you are solving (along w/ background and related work)

  • motivations (if this is your own idea) and challenges; why is this problem important and difficult?

  • your proposed solution or approach and why it's new,

  • your plan of attack with milestones and dates, and

  • any resources you might need so we can take care of this early on in the semester.

The mark you get on the proposal will be a part of your overall project grade.

Only one person per project team should submit, but the proposal should indicate full names of all other project team members.