Predstavitve: moje mnenje / Presentations: my opinion

Spodaj imate je datoteka Predstavitve.ods. V njej so za vsak članek predvidene po tri ocene:

  • predstavitev: kakšna je bila sama predstavitev oziroma njen potek;
  • prosojnice: kako dobro so bile prosojnice pripravljene za predstavljanje vsebine; in
  • vsebina: kako dobro je bila tehnično predstavljena vsebina.
Vsaka od ocen je med 0 in 4 (4 pomeni, da se res ne da boljše:-). Poleg tega je pripravljen še stolpec komentar, v katerega vpišete komentar oziroma utemeljitev ocen.

Svoje predstavitve ne ocenjujete - pustite prazno.

Izpolnjen ods na koncu oddate.


Below is a file Predstavitve.ods. It contains the list of papers and for each of them are expected three marks:

  • presentation (predstavitev): how well was the presentation itself done or how good was its flow;
  • slides (prosojnice): how well were prepared slides to present the content; and
  • content (vsebina): how well was presented the content (technically).
Each mark is between 0 and 4 (4 means that it can nit be done better:-). Besides there is also a column Comments (komentar) which is to be used for adding the comment justifying your marks.

You do not mark your own presentation - just leave it empty.

Filled in ods file submit at the end of all presentations.

Uspešno / all the best!