library(GA) f1 <- function(x) { -abs(x)-cos(x) } GA1 <- ga(type = "real-valued", fitness = f1, lower = -20, upper = 20) summary(GA1) ############################################################################# f2 <- function(x) { -(20 + x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 - 10*(cos(2*pi*x[1]) + cos(2*pi*x[2]))) } GA2 <- ga(type = "real-valued", fitness = f2, lower = c(-5.12, -5.12), upper = c(5.12, 5.12), crossover = gareal_blxCrossover) summary(GA2) ############################################################################ Substrate <- c(1.73, 2.06, 2.20, 4.28, 4.44, 5.53, 6.32, 6.68, 7.28, 7.90, 8.80, 9.14, 9.18, 9.40, 9.88) Velocity <- c(12.48, 13.97, 14.59, 21.25, 21.66, 21.97, 25.36, 22.93, 24.81, 25.63, 24.68, 29.04, 28.08, 27.32, 27.77) f3 <- function(theta, Substrate, Velocity) { -sum((Velocity - (theta[1] * Substrate) / (theta[2] + Substrate))^2) } GA3 <- ga(type = "real-valued", fitness = f3, Substrate, Velocity, lower = c(40.0, 3.0), upper = c(50.0, 5.0), popSize = 500, crossover = gareal_blxCrossover, maxiter = 5000, run = 200, names = c("M", "K")) summary(GA3) plot(Substrate, Velocity) M = GA3@solution[1, "M"] K = GA3@solution[1, "K"] lines(Substrate, M * Substrate / (K + Substrate)) ########################################################################### <- read.table("AlgaeLearn.txt", header = T) <- read.table("AlgaeTest.txt", header = T) lm.model <- lm(a1 ~., mean(($a1 - predict(lm.model,^2) Y <-[, "a1", drop = FALSE] X <-[, which(names( != "a1")] ## define the fitness function fitness4 <- function(string) { if (sum(string) == 0){ return(0) } ## select only relevant features. inc <- which(string == 1) ## fit a linear model only on the relevant features. model <- lm(a1 ~., data = cbind(Y, X[,inc, drop = FALSE])) ## Final output of the fitness is the negative mean squared error. -mean(($a1 - predict(model,^2) } ## Evaluate the algorithm. GA4 <- ga("binary", fitness = fitness4, nBits = ncol(X), names = colnames(X), monitor = plot) summary(GA4) ## Print the error of the final solution. sel <- GA4@solution[which.min(apply(GA4@solution, 1, sum)),] model1 <- lm(a1 ~., data = cbind(Y, X[, which(sel == 1)])) mean(($a1 - predict(model1,^2)