Gorazd Božič: Kibernetski incidenti v praksi / Cyber incidents in practice

Kaj so najpogostejši kibernetski varnostni incidenti, s katerimi se srečujemo na SI-CERT in kaj so vzroki, da do teh težav prihaja. Koga poklicati, če pride do vdora ali okužbe in kaj lahko storimo?

What are the most common cyber-security incidents handled by SI-CERT and what causes them. Who can we call for help with system break-in or malware infection and what can be done?


Gorazd Božič je vodja nacionalnega odzivnega centra za kibernetsko varnost SI-CERT (Slovenian Computer Emergency Response Team). Odzivni center SI-CERT v okviru javnega zavoda Arnes od leta 1995 dalje preiskuje vdore v računalnike, okužbe z računalniškimi virusi in pomaga uporabnikom pri raznovrstnih drugih zlorabah na internetu, tudi preko programa ozaveščanja varninainternetu.si. Med letoma 2000 in 2008 je Gorazd Božič predsedoval evropski skupini odzivnih centrov TF-CSIRT in je predstavnik Slovenije v upravnem odboru Evropske agencije za omrežno in informacijsko varnost ENISA vse od njenega nastanka leta 2004. Gorazd je aktiven tudi pri podpori in mentoriranju novoformiranih skupin CSIRT v regiji jugovzhodne Evrope. Leta 2015 je izpeljal projekt izdelave dokumentarnega filma o 20-letnem razvoju hekerske skupnosti v Sloveniji hekerji.si (v koprodukciji s TV Slovenija in producentsko hišo Sever & Sever), kjer je sodeloval kot scenarist in svetovalec režiserja.

Gorazd Božič is the Head of the Slovenian National Computer Emergency Response Team (SI-CERT) which was established in 1995. Between 2000 and 2008 Gorazd was the Chairman of the European CERT group TF-CSIRT, which brings together all known CERTs in the wider European region and provides the accreditation and certification programme for CERTS - the Trusted Introducer. Gorazd is involved in national awareness-raising programmes for cyber security and has been the Slovenian representative to the the Management Board of ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency, since its formation in 2004. He is also involved in support and mentoring of newly-formed CSIRTs in the South-Eastern Europe. In 2015 he launched the idea of a documentary film on the 20-year evolution of the hacking scene in Slovenia (hackers.si) for which he provided the script and consultation (the film was co-produced together with the national program TV Slovenija and the Sever & Sever production company).

Последнее изменение: Wednesday, 24 February 2021, 22:44