1. Homework - deadline February 26, 2022

Opened: Friday, 11 February 2022, 12:00 AM
Due: Saturday, 26 February 2022, 11:59 PM

Dear Students,

The goal of this first homework is to learn about the context of the course by studying existing sub-projects of the project ONTOCHAIN. See a complete list here: https://ontochain.ngi.eu/selected-projects

Deadline for your homework is February 26, 2022. 

I expect an individually written document from your side of up to 3 pages, font 11, containing a list of all projects, your understanding of the expected results of each of these projects, and your understanding of how these results can be used to build decentralised applications (examples).

Imagine that the above-mentioned projects represent pieces of a mosaic. Then we need to learn how to identify key baseline technologies. We also need to learn how to combine them to build innovative new decentralised applications. 

During the Lab work on March 2, 2022 we plan to brainstorm on 5 potential application scenarios. 

Our ideas for project works will be published for you to consider shortly. 

With best regards, 

Vlado Stankovski